How Chiropractic Care can help treat Migraines

Most people with migraines will tell you they’ve tried everything, from special diets, avoiding triggers, different medications, and even sleep hygiene. However, it doesn’t always occur to them that physical treatments, such as yoga, massage, or chiropractic care can be integrated into their treatment.

Using Chiropractic Care

When thinking about migraines, it makes sense that body manipulation could affect the frequency and intensity of migraine headaches because stretching and adjusting the bones, joints, and body tissues can impact the way blood vessels function. This is why headaches are actually the third most popular reason adults in the U.S. seek chiropractic care. According to the Migraine Treatment Centers of America, “The results of chiropractic care on migraine headache have been studied in several clinical trials with favorable results, and evidence suggests that spinal manipulation improves migraine headache.” Migraine sufferers in the studies reported that chiropractic care improved not only their quality of life, but decreased the frequency, intensity, and duration of their migraine headaches.

Integrating Chiropractic Care into Your Treatment

Chiropractic care and spinal manipulation have been a lifesaver for some migraine sufferers, however it’s important to collaborate with your headache specialist before initializing chiropractic care. Your specialist may be able to refer you to a chiropractor who specializes in treatment for those who suffer from severe migraine headaches. While your specialist may be encouraging, they may also state some reasons that seeing a chiropractor may not help you, such as chiropractic adjustments interfering with some of your medications.

After an Adjustment

Some people report feeling a little “off” after their first adjustment, with symptoms including a slight headache, feeling tired, soreness, and stiffness. It could take a few weeks to see any results in migraine frequency or intensity following regular chiropractic care. Remember to take care of yourself in between appointments, and especially right after, by drinking a lot of water, resting, taking a hot bath, and getting a good night’s sleep.

Spinal adjustments aren’t a cure-all for anyone suffering from migraines, but almost a quarter of migraine sufferers notice a reduction in symptoms of up to 90%. If your specialist believes chiropractic care can help reduce your migraine symptoms, give Benningfield and Associates a call at 309-692-6800 to set up an appointment.